Now that I have a blog, I wanted to see what other options were available before committing further into Jekyll. I looked into the top blogging platforms and found Wordpress show up.

The main difference I saw was that Wordpress is a Content Management System, whereas Jekyll is a blog platform. CMS’ provide a lot more functionality along with complexity than what I was looking for.

My only use case is to record my thoughts in a blog. I like that I can write my thoughts in markdown with Jekyll and share them on Github Pages.

My two gripes with Jekyll are:

  • No web browser posting
  • Need to push each post to Github

When I get around to it, I’ll look to see if there is another available solution that addresses those gripes.

For now, I am really satisfied with Jekyll and Github Pages. I don’t need to look at any docs, just create a new Markdown file and push it to Github.