I decided to start a blog today. I had seen a bunch of blogs hosted with Jekyll on Github pages, so I wanted to try it out.

New Blog Setup

The Jekyll Docs were extremely helpful and easy to follow.

  • If you already have Ruby installed
    • gem install jekyll bundler
    • jekyll new simon-blog
    • cd myblog
    • bundle exec jekyll serve

This will create and host a template site locally.

I started the server with the command

bundle exec jekyll serve

and started adding and editing .markdown files to the _posts directory.

This will generate html files into _site.

Hosting your blog

To host on github-pages, I followed this Github guide

Do note that you will need to use your name.github.io repo for this to work.


I looked into using a new theme for Jekyll but was unsuccuessful. Google results showed a lot of nice previews, but it was unclear how to use a theme.

I tried following this guide for a github-pages theme but it seems like the directory structure might be different per theme.

Sticking to the default theme for now.